Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Well, here we are.

I have wanted to do this for some time now.

There is so much I want to tell everyone.  And so little time (not to mention: very few people who might actually be interested in reading this).

So, I will write about things that are important to me and, hopefully, the world.

But let me cease the introductory things and get straight down to business:
Did you know that smiling can actually make you happier.  This is actually quite well-researched.  Paul Ekman and a colleague noted, during research on the Facial Action Coding System (see the entertaining series: Lie to Me), that they felt quite horrible after a few days of pulling faces, trying to use each muscle of the face individually.  And thus the great revelation came: Our emotions do not only determine our facial expressions, but our expression can also exert a powerful effect on our emotions.

Fascinating, really.
See this TED talk for more:

There is also a really excellent piece by one of my favourite authors, Malcolm Gladwell, which covers the same topic.  For more, refer to his excellent book: Blink.

Next time, we will dive into one of my favourite topics - Alternative health care. And we will look at the website

Go do some reading in the meantime:

Don't believe a word of anything that is not referenced with proof.  (Thus, do not believe anything on the site at all.

But more on that next time.